Saturday, December 8, 2012

17 days left - Gingerbread houses and breakfast with Santa

We have decorated gingerbread houses since 1999.  In the past I have always baked the gingerbread but this year I found a kit at IKEA that looked good so we went the easy route.  It didn't smell quite as good but it was just as fun to decorate.  It's fun to watch the kids work at the same time, they just kind of talk about everything and nothing, there is a lot of giggling going on, and like always I hope memories are made.

Every December the basketball team at the high school holds a fundraiser, breakfast with Santa. My kids will  eat breakfast but Santa? not so much.  I begged this year so I could get a picture with them and Santa, they finally consented, yeah!! I won.
This is Sara and Tehya, I love these girls.

Ridge, Cambelle and J.T., Ridge plays for the team.

My long sought after photo.  Seriously Cambelle has not sat on Santa's lap since she was a baby and didn't have much of a choice.  She has never been a close up fan of Santa, she likes him from a distance and in theory, but the lap sitting has never been something she would agree to. 

They did a really great job this year.  It's cool to watch how they change every year.

1 comment:

  1. Heidi, Can I just tell you I love reading about your Christmas countdown and all your fun traditions!!! Just reading them has helped me get in to the Christmas spirit more. I absolutely love it!!! Just wanted you to know. :)
