Friday, December 14, 2012

11 days - Slumber party by the Christmas tree

I was actually really excited for today's activity.  A couple of years ago I made pillowcases with a good friend.  This is in honor of the tradition I had as a kid that we all had our own personalized Christmas pillowcases.  Every year I pull them out and incorporate them into the countdown somehow.  I didn't know for sure how I was going to do it this year. Then I realized that the slumber party would be the perfect time.  Usually we have several nights through the month that are a little less hectic that we can sit and cuddle on the couch and watch some of our favorite movies.  But this year has been different. As the kids grow up they are involved more and have things that pull them away from the home.  So the nights that everyone is home I try to inhale as much as possible.  The kids love staying up, we all love watching movies, so what better way than to put it all together and have a slumber party by the tree.  We started our evening out with sloppy joes, homemade potato chips and homemade milk shakes, yummmm!!  Then we started the movies, Charlie Brown's Christmas, Elf, Christmas Story, Annabelle's wish, The Santa Clause, and the The Santa Clause 2.  Seriously, that was a lot of movies, but it was fun laughing together and quoting our favorite lines.  Troy didn't sleep in the family room with us, (big surprise), and I didn't make it to the end of the movies, (also, big surprise).  But we had a great night.

J.T. thought this one was a pretty great idea.

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