Thursday, December 5, 2013

20 days left...missionary packages

Our family is super blessed to have a lot of missionaries out serving.  In fact at one point this year there were seven names we had to remember in our prayers.  For what ever reason this is a great night, we write letters to the missionaries from our ward and our family.  I think  of something small and clever ;),  to send them and we wrap a whole lot of love into it and send them on their way. 

This is the clever part, get it, "open your MOUTHS" and we sent mints.  I thought it was so smart, (I know small things make me happy).

I know how much you can miss home, especially at Christmas time.  I hope this helps them to know that we are thinking of them.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

21 days left...Memory Tree

When Troy and I were first married I decided that I wanted to create a tradition on my birthday that would always be doable, (read super inexpensive for our poor college pockets).  So I decided that decorating the tree sounded fantastic.  Well, a few years into our marriage I realized that I wanted to decorate my main tree a little sooner and I wanted to have a different tree to hold everything that held special meaning, hence the "memory tree" was born.  I love this little tree, it actually was the tree my dad used so even the tree itself holds special meaning.  This year our box that the kids opened was overflowing.  Our trip back east was a treasure trove.  We actually had a bet going on how many ornaments would be purchased.

My hope is that when my kids grow up and these are divided among them, that they will hold a special place in their heart like they do in mine.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

22 days left...Christmas past

There is not a lot better than little kids at Christmas time.  My kids aren't super old yet but I can't help but remember fondly to when they were really little.  I wanted to capture that a little this year, I found some old photos of each of the kids and enlarged them so I could hang them on the wall for the month of December.

They are pretty sweet, I think my iron tree needs some Christmas ribbon.  Maybe I  will be done decorating by the 23rd.

Monday, December 2, 2013

23 days left...trees for their rooms

There is something about having your own little corner of your world ready for Christmas.  Last year the kids were so excited about the window clings that they got that I thought this year we would kick it up a notch.  They each came home to a little tree in their room and a box full of ornaments that they divided up.

I wish that the next few pictures had sound because they were some happy kids.

They quickly divided up the loot, and can I just say without any arguments.

I overheard Cambelle say that she felt like a grown up decorating her own tree, oh to be 10 again.

I think over all it was a great success, the kids loved it and I loved listening and seeing them enjoy their own little corner.

Sunday, December 1, 2013

24 days left...The Polar Express

And so it begins... I have been scrambling this last week.  Thanksgiving was way to close to the beginning of December, but I think we made it.

We started this year with our annual watching of the Polar Express with popcorn and m&m's.

Pillows and blankets cover our floor and the show begins.  I have to laugh because every year we watch the show we notice something new, this year the kids commented on the socks of the bald conductor.  It is a quiet night that is a great way to start our month.