Tuesday, May 20, 2014


I have a beautiful print hanging in my room and I love it, "She Will Find That Which Is Lost" by Brian Kershisnik At the beginning of the year I stumbled across this painting in a blog post.  I had seen it before but in January it spoke to me in a new way. I find it beautiful, comforting and inspiring.  The idea that there are so many people to support and love a person is a wonderful thought.  I was struck by the woman, she looks down.  It seems that her grief is consuming and that she may not even realize the unseen forces that are surrounding her. The love may be felt but not completely understood.  The original is currently hanging in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City.  Troy and I were there about a month ago and took a minute to view this lovely piece.  I was amazed at the feelings that it evoked. I had tears in my eyes, the idea of my own unseen force created a sense of belonging.  I hope it's true.  I hope there are people who care so much for me and my well being that they will surround me with this same kind of love and support.  There are moments I feel this way, and I hold on to those feelings and cherish them.