Thursday, December 13, 2012

12 days left - dipping pretzels

Just like peanut butter fudge reminds me of my dad, dipped pretzels remind me of my mom.  She would do ice cream buckets full.  I know most people cover the entire pretzel with chocolate, but my mom never did. I think she did it to make the chocolate go farther but frankly I think it made it so much faster.  My mom didn't do a lot of candy at Christmas but there was always covered pretzels and peanut clusters.  My mom loved Christmas, at least I think she did, she always did so much to celebrate Christmas.  There is a running joke in our family that she would start shopping for Christmas on December 26th, and she would inevitably misplace gifts she bought through the year.  I remember the year that my mom and dad got a new bed for Christmas and they took their old bed down and there were several unwrapped gifts under the bed, to which my mom said, "that's where that was", then handed them to LaTawan and I.  The year after she passed away my dad found a box full of things that she had already bought and so he gave us some of what was in the box.  I miss her, an awful lot.  I wish my kids could sit on her lap and feel how much I know she would love them.  I wish  Troy could have met her and had the opportunity to love her like I did.  But as much as I miss her, I am so grateful for the memories I have of her, because every year at Christmas memories of her surround me.  Like half covered pretzels in a plastic container.  They make me smile.

Cute kids huh?  Cambelle sporting a black eye she got the other night.

Yep he is 12, not quite as enthused as he used to be.

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