Monday, August 5, 2013

camp fire cones

One of our 25 mile rewards was to have a campfire cookout.  But it has been so blasted hot here that the idea of building a fire when it was time to eat just seemed a little counter productive, so we opted for dessert.  Pretty good compromise if you ask me.  I saw this idea on, wait for it, yep Pinterest.  How ever the strawberries and Nutella were not listed on the website where I looked so I claiming credit on those two little treasures.  The beauty of this "recipe" is that there are no rules.  Step 1: fit whatever you can into that ice cream cone.  Step 2: place in the coals of the fire (if you place the tip of the cone outward it seemed to have less of a chance of getting burned).  Step 3: think of how many ways you can say "this is soooo good" as you eat your creation.  Seriously, the Nutella would get all warm and sauce like and the bananas and strawberries would be swimming in the sweetness.  I love a good sugar cone anyway but it was taken to the next level here.  

J.T. is our expert fire starter.  Every time I watch how he organizes the fire I think to myself, "not going to work", and every time I'm proven wrong.

Cambelle asked if smoke really does follow beauty and if it does, why?  Good question sweetie.

Sara had play practice, so we waited for her to get home before we started the festivities.

I should have got a better shot of the end product but all I really wanted to do was eat.  At the end of it all Troy said, "that was really fun, something so simple".  I need to remember that.

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