Friday, June 22, 2012

Summer Camps and new talents

Every summer the local high school sponsors all kinds of camps that act as fund raisers for them and introduce younger students to the many opportunities that are available in high school.  This year all the kids did drama camp.  Sadly we didn't get to see the final performance because we went to see Bill Cosby.  But the kids had fun, putting on puppet shows, playing improv games and in general being with friends.  Then Sara, and J.T. participated in the voice camp.  They put on a concert at the end of the week, and both did a great job.  I've told J.T. chicks dig a guy that can sing and play the piano, we'll see if that is enough to motivate him.  Finally, J.T. played basketball for a week with the Varsity basketball team and was pretty much in Heaven.  I wish I would have been able to get more pictures, but the concert will have to do.  It's fun to see the kids do these different activities I love it when they find new things that they didn't know they would like to do.  

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