Friday, July 22, 2011


Thirty some years ago a little family was preparing for the addition of their seventh child.  I imagine there was a little excitement (at least I hope so), and there was obviously talk of what they would name this cute new baby.  I don't really know exactly how this event took place however I have interpreted the many stories that I have heard.  There was a meeting of sorts and democracy was to rule, each child would get to have a say in what their sibling would be called.  On the ballot for voting was the following: 

The first was chosen because the baby was to be born in December, and really how festive to carry a name to remind everyone when gifts are needed to celebrate a birthday.  The second was a play on her grandfathers name, Fay.  The third was on the list because an older sister had just recently read the book Heidi and believed it to be the prettiest name.  The last I'm told was picked by the father, he loved uniqueness in naming his kids and wanted to give them something that would represent them as being an individual.  The voting took place ......drum role please.... and the winner is, Heidi. 

Yep, that is how I was named.  I don't know if the sister somehow managed a very persuasive coup over my dad or if everyone envisioned a future of people repeating my name over and over to be funny.  I always wondered if it would have altered my life somehow if I had been given a different name.  I wonder if by being called Echo it would have driven me to be more outgoing, or more popular, if I would have been made fun of more or left out of the group.  I wonder if my dad sighed and resigned himself to the fact that his last opportunity to bestow a unique name was gone. In fact when I turned 18 he told me I could change my name if I wanted to or at least add a middle name.  I obviously chose not to.  I don't know if my life would have changed if I had a different title or if it would have altered how I viewed myself.  But this I know, I am who I am.  And through the years I have added to my title, daughter, sister, friend, missionary, wife and mother.  Each has added to the dimension of who I am.  I have my own story and no matter the title it is very much my own.  My experiences have created my story to this point and the future holds even more. 

An echo is repetitive, it reminds us of what has come before, and if we listen it can hint of the future.  I like to believe that my dad gave me a gift of perspective simply by suggesting the name Echo.  But I am completely satisfied with introducing myself as, Heidi.



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