Wednesday, May 23, 2012

My Sweet Ballerina

I have LOVED watching my sweet little girl this year find a love that makes her smile.  She is developing a talent that I hope helps her become more confident and helps her to recognize how amazing she is.  I hope this helps her work hard and set goals.  She has loved going to ballet every week.  She has made friends and grown in so many different ways.  This year they did Alice in Wonderland for their recital and she was a Queen's Attendant.  She was beautiful in every way, and I felt as if my heart was on the stage with her.  I was smiling with tears in my eyes and look forward to next year.

My favorite part of the whole evening was after the performance Cambelle came off stage and J.T. wrapped his arms around her and told her how good she did and then Sara hugged her.  There is not very many things sweeter than watching your kids love each other and support each other.  (we will not mention the many times that doesn't happen, let's just relish the times they do)


  1. How sweet! Cambell makes such a beautiful ballerina. :) And I didn't know you had a blog! Sweet. I'll be checking in.

  2. She looks SO beautiful!! Tell her good job from us - we heard from Grandma it was really sweet!!
