Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Our 3 hours in the city

After the museum we realized we were faced with some changes.  The bad news?  Pretty much everything that we had on the agenda for the next three days was going to be closed.  Fords Theatre, the National Zoo, ALL the museums, ALL the monuments(you couldn't even walk near them) they would all be closed.  All because of the government shutdown.  So we had to make some quick decisions.  We found out that Arlington Cemetery would still be open as well as the Pentagon Memorial.  But we wanted to see something in D.C.  We decided to make the best of the situation, so we found the closest metro station and headed off.  We got into town about 5:30 or 6:00 and grabbed a taxi.  It was the first time the kids and I had ever been in a taxi so it was a kind of fun.  We told him where we wanted to go and zipped off.  We hit the Lincoln, Jefferson and Vietnam Monuments.  It was not certainly not the laid back stroll through but at least we were able to see a couple of things.

It got dark a lot faster than we would have liked, but it was neat to see some of the monuments as the sun was setting.  We were on the steps of the Jefferson Monument and we were interviewed for the T.V. news about the government shutdown.

I had to include this picture because honestly this is what we dealt with.  The kids were sad, and disappointed.  But we were determined to make the best of it, and we did.

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