Wednesday, December 19, 2012

6 days left - Christmas concert and ice cream

Sometimes December gives you the perfect addition for the countdown. Tonight was that addition. Sara is in the orchestra and the choir and every year they do a concert with the High School, called the Christmas Montage. The choirs, bands, and orchestra set up in an enormous circle in the gym and once the concert starts there are not any pauses.They just go from one song to another, if the kids are involved in more than one group they quickly get up after their song and move to the other group. It's fun, because there is a constant movement, and they fit so many songs in a fairly short amount of time. The last song this year was the hallelujah  chorus, it was quite impressive, I wish there had been more voices but the instruments were wonderful.  I am so grateful for talented people who will share their talents.  Then we headed to get some ice cream with grandma and grandpa.

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