Saturday, December 22, 2012

3 days left - City of Refuge

We spent the evening at the City of Refuge with one of our favorite families.  Lana does so much work for this and I am so grateful that she has been willing to share this experience with her and her family.  We arrived about 4:00 p.m. and began cooking.  All the kids were as helpful as they were last year asking what what they could do next and how they could help.  There was definitely a different feeling this year, the kids were a little more familiar with how it worked and because of that I think they were more comfortable.  It was a lot of fun preparing the meal, talking, joking and having a great time together.  Once we were done cooking then we serve the meal, I think there were around 40 people who showed up.  You never know how many people will show up so we planned on about 80 people.  After we got done serving we leave everything there, they use what food wasn't served over the next couple of days and those who eat help clean up.  It makes me grateful for the blessings in my life and also reminds me how we need each other, to serve and be served, those are the things that allow us to grow and become better.  My prayer is for my kids to catch a vision of the power of good they can be in the world and do better than I have.

I promise J.T. was there but didn't make it into any pictures he must have been on the move.

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