Monday, November 12, 2012

A day to remember

Sunday, November 1, 2012, J.T. received the Priesthood and was ordained to the office of a deacon.  It really was a special day.  There are a few things that I want to remember about the day.  I want to remember that we had to do a quick cut of hair around his ears minutes before we left for church.  I want to remember that this Sunday was no different when it came to him waiting for me and offering me his arm, (he walks me to church every week and I LOVE IT).  I want to remember that it was cold outside and J.T. said he could handle the cold without a coat, and I want to remember his giggle as I commented on the goosebumps on his arms.  I want to remember his excitement, and his words in his testimony that day that let everyone know how he felt about the privilege he was about to receive.  I want to remember that after church we were all gathered waiting on J.T. and when we asked where he was wondering if he forgot, we were told that he was helping put all the chairs away.  I could not be more blessed to have this young man for my son.  I love him so much.  

1 comment:

  1. If JT keeps this up, he is going to make one AMAZING husband someday. :)
