Saturday, December 10, 2011

15 days left - Gingerbread houses


In 1998 when Sara was just tiny and I was the advisor in the Beehive class, I agreed to make a gingerbread house for each girl in the class for a Tuesday night activity, if I remember right there were eight of them.  Let's just say I jumped into this hobby with both feet not knowing the depth of the pool.  The first time I ever made a gingerbread house was when I was eleven at the home of my Merri Miss teacher, and for some reason I guess I felt like that qualified me to teach, (the Internet can be a dangerous tool in the hands of the inexperienced)  but it worked out and it began a tradition of a gingerbread house at Christmas, there have been a couple of Christmas' that I couldn't pull it off but I do my best to get one done, but even if I don't get to do one, my kids usually do.  They love it and I love listening to them as they decorate and plan and create something that they love.  Today we also went to a breakfast with Santa and the play The Best Christmas Pageant Ever, overall a very festive Christmas filled day.

Ornaments symbolize the fruits of the Tree of Life.  The beauty of the ornaments and lights declare the beauty of eternal life.

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