Tuesday, December 13, 2011

12 days left - Grandpa's Fudge

My dad.....peanut butter fudge......Christmas.

Each of those things go so well with each other.  To understand why this particular activity has so much meaning to me there has to be a little back story.  After my mom passed away my dad kind of got thrown into taking care of Christmas, up until then he NEVER had anything to do with the preparation of Christmas, I really can't emphasize the NEVER enough.  So he was a little, okay a lot, out of his element.  But he really wanted to give gifts to his kids, so he tried several different things, like money,or he had my sister shop and then he had me shop.  But nothing really stuck and then it happened, one year we received a tin with three layers of fudge, cut perfectly to fit the container, there was chocolate, chocolate peanut butter and peanut butter, (my personal favorite).  So every year he would make roughly 21 batches of fudge, package it and send it to each family with a handwritten note.  He had  finally found something that showed us how much he care and thought about us.  I looked forward every year to get that new tin, it tasted so good because it was love.  I miss him so much.  So, at Christmas time I like to make my favorite fudge from his recipe and think about what he felt as he made his Christmas gift to us.  My hope is that my kids will always remember him and the love that he had for each one of us.

We read some stories from this book from when my dad was younger, kind of fun to be reminded that there were simpler times and how they celebrated.

White symbolizes purity and cleanliness. Through the atonement of Christ mankind can become cleansed from their sins.

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