Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Homemade Ice cream

250 miles down.  The kids have been working hard and moving an awful lot, the bike ride to the nature park added 52 miles to our chart.  So to celebrate that little accomplishment we made ice cream.  I don't know why I don't do it more because it is  a treat times 20.  The kids got into the act of prepping it that day so we decided to record the process and I decided my hats are off to the food bloggers I so dearly love because it was tough.  We took a recipe from and altered it a little.

1 cup cream
2 1/2 cups half and half
9 ounces sugar
4 egg yolks
2 tsp. vanilla

Heat the cream and half and half up just until it simmers.

Beat the egg yolk and then add the sugar.

Look at that  mix, YUM!!

Then temper the sugar egg mixture by slowly adding the warm milk a little at a time.

Once everything is mixed pour back into the sauce pan and heat.

Cook on medium until the mixture reaches 170 degrees or until it lovingly coats the back of a spoon.  Then you have to let it sit on the counter until it cools a little, about 1/2 hour.  Then add the vanilla and pop that milky goodness into the fridge for 4-8 hours.

Then add it to your ice cream machine.  Otherwise known as magic plugged in.

Turn on the machine.  Ours took about 30 minutes to thicken up.

Troy was then more than happy to participate in our celebration.  You really should let it freeze for about 4 hours but that didn't happen.  We just added chocolate and called it soft serve.

I added raspberries and sighed with happiness.  Who wouldn't?  

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