Thursday, May 31, 2012

A new calling

A couple of Sundays ago I was called into the Bishops office and he asked me if I would be the pianist for the Relief Society....(dramatic pause).  Seriously?! ME?!  I wondered if he knew how frightfully inept I would be, if he knew that I would make mistake after mistake, if he knew there was not very many things scarier than that request, yet I heard myself say I would be willing to accept the calling.  

There are two reasons that I accepted despite my fears and misgivings.  The first reason happened a long time ago, right after I returned home from my mission.  A member of the Bishopric stopped by the house and the following dialogue occurred:    him, "will you be the girls camp director?",    me, " you do know I only went to camp one year, right?"     him, "that's okay"      me, "I don't know anything about camping."       him, "that's okay".   Apparently he had much for faith in me than I did.  I then responded with words I don't ever like to hear, "I can't".  But I felt positive that  it was the only answer that made sense.  I just knew I wasn't capable, and I convinced myself that there was not a responsible parent alive that would want to send their daughter with someone so inexperienced as myself.  So I chose not to serve.  It has always bothered me because I gave up a chance to expand, learn, and serve.  I'm sure I would have made a lot of mistakes, heck we probably would have eaten hot dogs every meal, (the only camping food I knew how to make at the time).  But I would have come home with so much more, and I don't think the girls would have minded one bit.  I chose to avoid something that made me uncomfortable and in turn an opportunity was lost.

The second reason is still kind of an ongoing event.  About 4 1/2 years ago I was serving in the primary presidency.  It was January and I was listing my goals for the year, I listed "relearn the piano".  The thing is it wasn't just a thought, I knew the Lord needed me to learn it.  I just didn't know why.  So I started, I pulled out some old music and began practicing a little.  Sadly, it only lasted for about a month.  I looked around the ward and wondered why I would ever need this skill there were so many pianist  that were really good, so once again I quit.  Then 2 1/2 years ago our ward split, I once again found myself in the primary presidency and at our first meeting we talked about who was qualified to serve in the music.  The president looked around and asked each one of us if we played the piano, to at least get us through until we found someone.  We soon realized there were very few people in the entire ward that played.  And everyone who did play already had a calling.  I was dumbfounded, I felt like the Lord was saying,  "I told you I needed you, how come you didn't listen?"  So I started once again, and soon realized that I needed lessons, because I didn't remember much from when I was younger.  A good friend of mine agreed to teach me and the adventure began.  I substituted as the pianist a couple of times before the actual calling came and every time was so scary.  I know I am not good, I make SOOO many mistakes,  I have a hard time slowing my breathing down and my hands sweat like no other.  So why did I say yes, because I know I am not alone in this little adventure.  

The Lord will not make me perfect in this but he will strengthen me, and I will do it because I trust Him.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Summer begins and goals are set

On the last day of school I try to take my kids out to lunch, and this summer we started with a trip to Wendy's.  We talked about the fun things that we had planned for the summer and the goals that we would set.

The last couple of summers we have set aside an evening where we talk about things we want to accomplish through the summer.  Then we get a poster board and decorate it with all our hopes for the summer.  This summer I added a little something extra.  We set up a board to track all the miles we move this summer, walking, running, hiking and a biking for the kids.  For each mile we go we circle a number and for every 25 miles there is a pocket with something fun to do.  The more miles we go the bigger the event.  I hope it motivates us all to move a little more and enjoy the process.

I took a picture of each of the kids posters with their goals, I love how their personalities are so evident Each of J.T.'s bullets are logos for sports teams.

 Sara got down to business this year and added a little extra with the papers, she is going to do great.

Cambelle did hers all by herself, spelling and all.

 I do a poster too, I hope my kids will see my attempting to reach goals and they will know that it never ends, there is always room to expand.
I hope to post a follow up at the end of the summer, hopefully there will be a good percentage complete, wish us luck.

Friday, May 25, 2012

....and Mahalo

This post is simply to remind me of the walks we took in Hawaii.  Probably the reason I love this place so much.  How could you not when you are surrounded with the pure saturation of color and beauty.  Enjoy.


We have been planning our trip to Hawaii since January, and it did not disappoint.

 Troy surprised me and told me the night before we left that he had upgraded to 1st class, so we boarded the plane and turned left.  Do you know what happens when you turn left as you enter a plane?  They have seats that actually fit your legs and they give you a hot towel and treats and cute little bottles of water.  It was a great way to start.
 Do you notice that my husbands legs are stretched out, I really should have taken a picture of the plane ride to L.A. then this would be much more impressive.
 You can see his excitement and I promise that he was not on the phone the whole time.
 Our first night was actually not great, we got into Honolulu and all I can say is WOW!?! and not a good wow.  Troy said that he would rather drive in New York City than Honolulu, and just so you know he was in a moving van when he drove New York.  So many people and one way streets that run all over.  We got a pretty good nights rest and then woke up early and ran on the beach, that was a gorgeous way to start the day.
We drove a convertable for the week, the whole time thinking about J.T. and how much he would have loved it.
 We spent the morning at the Flea Market and Pearl Harbor

Then we were off to the North Shore but not before we stopped at this fairly frightening place to eat, which was actually fantastic.  Great sushi, I tried the spicy tuna.  We decided a thumbs up blog would be great, we could travel around the country, try new foods and then post our opinion, sounds good to me.

The famed Matsumoto shaved ice, I have to say I am a fan.  Which actually means a lot considering I do not like snow cones.  But for some reason ice cream on the bottom and sweetened condensed milk on top, oh, my, I'll come visit you anytime.

Then we arrived at the resort which now holds a very special place in my heart.  We drove up, dropped the car with the valet and went in, no doors needed which I thought added a nice tropical touch.

This is the scene that greeted me when we walked into the room, be still me heart....I could not have asked or dreamt of a more perfect view.

Our Sunday drive consisted of driving past Laie to a fabulous place for breakfast and then stopping by the temple.  We went to church and then walked the temple grounds.

 I totally forgot to take a picture of the food, but It looked so darn good when we got it that we dug right in, french toast with macadamia sauce, words can not describe.

After we got back we spent 50 minutes of pure heaven in this cute cabana being pampered.

We ate at Ola's, right on the beach, literally sand on our feet, that had to be my favorite day.

 Monday morning we set out on a hike, we bought a guide book and picked one.  It was beautiful, warm, sunny, and we were well rewarded when we reached the end.  It was the very tip of the island, huge rocks and the waves crashing.

 A message someone left with the coral from the beach.  My sentiments exactly.

After hiking we had to stop and eat at the famed Giovanni's Shrimp truck, Troy's fingers are a testament to how good it tasted.

 The truck is a little sketchy but seriously so worth it.
 I love this picture of Troy, there aren't a lot of times in his life that he looks this relaxed, but we spent the evening in our room watching the sunset from the balcony and soaking it all in.
 Simply, beautiful! Our view from our room, I don't think it can get better than this.

Olas was so good we ate there again for lunch.

 Our room.....I miss you....sigh.
We tried oysters for the first time, I liked them, Troy not so much.

Honestly so much of our trip revolved around the food, some might say it was a waste but for Troy and I there are not a lot of things better than trying new things and eating beautifully prepared works of art.  This photo almost didn't make it, you can see a bite gone, then I resisted long enough to take a picture, isn't it gorgeous?

DREAM come true for my cute husband.  I don't think there could have been a better way to end our trip than a helicopter tour of the island, door off even, gorgeous views and a priceless memory.