Sunday, April 15, 2012


Our local museum, small as it may be, does a great job.  Their main exhibit is always a traveling exhibit.  They have done this for about 10 years and the very first exhibit was "Sue".  We took our darling babies to that one and it became a tradition to try and make it there about once or twice a year.  Well this year they brought Sue back.  It was a lot of fun to hear my now big kids say, "She isn't as big as I remember."   I thought the dinosaur was huge I can't imagine what it looked like to a 3 and a 5 year old.

Cambelle started the expression thing,  I had to laugh.  I see drama and acting in her future.

Do you see the weird nick and bulge in her rib?  They found another T-Rex's tooth fossilized in her rib, cool huh?  Those are the kind of things you learn when you make friends with the museum volunteers.

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