Sunday, April 15, 2012


Our local museum, small as it may be, does a great job.  Their main exhibit is always a traveling exhibit.  They have done this for about 10 years and the very first exhibit was "Sue".  We took our darling babies to that one and it became a tradition to try and make it there about once or twice a year.  Well this year they brought Sue back.  It was a lot of fun to hear my now big kids say, "She isn't as big as I remember."   I thought the dinosaur was huge I can't imagine what it looked like to a 3 and a 5 year old.

Cambelle started the expression thing,  I had to laugh.  I see drama and acting in her future.

Do you see the weird nick and bulge in her rib?  They found another T-Rex's tooth fossilized in her rib, cool huh?  Those are the kind of things you learn when you make friends with the museum volunteers.

Sunday, April 8, 2012


Easter weather where we live is always unpredictable.  There has only been a handful of memories made outside, most of our Easter egg hunts have been inside, so I wanted to try something a little different this year.  While the kids were cleaning downstairs, (I know how to get something done, candy as an incentive always seems to work :)  I set up a string maze of sorts. They each chose a color and followed the string with eggs along the way until they reached the end.  I loved hearing them talk to themselves as they followed the string, very indicative of their age, "this is stupid", my 13 year old, "this is crazy", my 11 year old, and a very enthusiastic "this is so fun", my 8 year old.  This may be a tradition that sticks, who knows.  But it was fun trying something a little different this year.

And it begins....


This is how Troy participated in the egg hunt, pretty comfortable  huh?

Yep, it was all worth it!

The smile says it all.

We spent Sunday morning watching The Lamb of God and remembering the real reason we celebrate Easter.  It was really a wonderful holiday.