Thursday, December 4, 2014

21 days left - a little bit of Christmas past

One of my favorite memories of Christmas when I was a kid was turning on the Christmas lights, and picking my favorite Christmas record and listening to those songs with twinkling lights surrounding me.  And the only thing that would make it better was when my mom would sit by me and I would cuddle close.  Just thinking about it now makes me smile.  I saw this record player in the store and thought, "oh yeah, this is happening".  I had a couple of records that I tracked down and purchased a few years ago.  The record player has been a total novelty, Cambelle in particular loves it.  I did remember most of the words from the songs, you should have seen how impressed my kids were. (ya, like that happened).   I like being able to bring a little of my Christmas to my kids.

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

22 days left- Memory Tree

The memory tree is usually decorated on the 4th but Sara had dance so we made a change and decorated today so Sara could be with us.

We got two new ornaments this year.  One was from the Forgotten Carols the other night and the second is my personal favorite, it's a cute picture of cute baby Jersey.

My favorite picture of the night.  I really appreciate that we can spend nights like this together and have relatively no arguments.  It's something about my kids that I love.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

23 days left - Family picture

Today had to be a simple one.  Sara started a new school and gets out 30 minutes after the other kids plus she has violin lessons on Tuesday.  Sara and J.T. also have mutual.  That doesn't leave a whole lot of time for family activities.  So, I wrapped a memory from last year and I have to say I think it is a great addition to our decor.  Merry Christmas!

Monday, December 1, 2014

24 days left - Missionary Packages

For Family Home Evening we wrote letters to the missionaries and sent a little chocolate their way.  For some reason this is the first time we have done this for FHE and Troy has never jumped in on this endeavor.  I don't think his writing hand will recover for awhile.

Very serious stuff here.

I love this picture, it makes my heart happy.