Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And it begins....

Do you have any idea how early 6:00 a.m.?!?

Let me tell you, it came awful quick this morning.  I really can't believe that summer is over and we are already back to early mornings, practicing piano and homework.  I love summer and frankly this one seemed way too short.  But as i sit in in my VERY quiet house this morning I know my kids are loving their first day.  Sara in Jr. High, lockers, changing every class throughout the day and of course boys and friends.  J.T. started 5th grade and of the three he definitely was the least excited but he is terrific and I know that he'll do great.  Then cute Cambelle, holy hanna, 2nd grade!! already?  She is oh so much fun and she is definitely coming into her own.  Even though my floor will stay swept for more than thirty minutes, I am looking forward to 3:40 when they get off the but to share their new adventures.
Sara 7th grade

J.T. 5th grade

Cambelle 2nd grade

Monday, August 8, 2011

So cute, I could eat them up!

Okay, I LOVE it when I start to giggle when I am making a cake, because when that happens I know that it's working.  I was able to make this fun flip flop cake for two of my nieces for our family reunion.  The cake is a three layer chocolate fudge with a raspberry and Nutella filling and then a cream cheese frosting all covered in fondant.  The flip flops are shaped from rice crispy treats with gum paste details.  Do you not just adore the sunglasses?!  Seriously so much fun, I also  got to play with my new toy, an extractor, I know sounds serious but it just lets me make perfectly round rope and other shapes.  This is a hobby I am so grateful for, I find it relaxing and it feels like I am doing a grown up art project.  Birthday season is just around the corner, woo hoo.  I can't wait bring it on!!!!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

My Crazy Little Hobbies

Art class was always my favorite in elementary school, it didn't matter what the project was I just loved the process, sitting there with scissors, glue and crayons and my thoughts.  I loved sharp new crayons, lined up according to color (of course) and the challenge of making whatever was in front of me look as much like the teachers as possible.  In third grade I carried a little binder that had all my drawings in them.  And Mrs. Steele introduced me to things like chalk pictures and real clay that felt like silk in your hands.  The sad thing is that as soon I got to High School and could choose my classes the responsibility bug kicked in and I took only classes that I deemed "worthy" of my future, something that would be useful in college or as a mother.  So that means there was a lot of math and English a foreign language here a business class there and all the home ec classes that I could muster.  I stopped doing the things that made me smile and fill something inside me and I began to do the responsible thing.  Now don't get me wrong the "responsible" thing did make me happy, because I knew that I wanted to do well in college and being a mother was always at the top of what I wanted to be when I grew up.  But I sometimes wish that I would have explored the smile side of me a little more in high school because now the hobbies I have that bring that smile back to my face is essentially, art.  I love cake decorating and photography.  Chances are there are other things that I would smile about but for right now these are the two I want to learn more about and perfect a little, to bad I don't have a teacher to give me a little competitive boost.

Monday, August 1, 2011

A Little Pink Helicopter

Okay so it wasn't really pink but  it was a dream come true for two men in my life.  As long as I have know Troy he has loved helicopters.  When we were first dating he talked about becoming full time military and learning to fly helicopters, frankly that scared me and I had a lot of misgivings over that and worried and fretted and begged "please no."  And then I realized that I couldn't take that dream away and as a peace offering I gave him a little matchbox helicopter and told him that I would support him.  Long story short he didn't pursue that career but I know that he has always wanted the opportunity to at the very least fly in a helicopter.  Well, early this summer there was a fly in near by and they offered helicoper rides......they had him at "heli" and bless his cute heart he bought rides for both Cambelle and J.T.  So I went along to take a few shots.

My favorite part of the whole day was watching them get out.  J.T.'s face was so animated and excited like it was Christmas morning.  Definitely a day to remember.