Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Oh the drama

At the beginning of the summer each of my kids participated in a drama camp held at the school.  They each got a part in a little play and then performed it on the final night of the camp.  Who knew that all the drama at home would pay off?  Maybe it's the mom in me, but I thought they were really good.  Hopefully we'll have many more plays to attend, because it was a lot of fun.
 Cambelle was Perdita in a version of 101 Dalmatians.  I LOVED her cute little voice saying, "listen to you father."  I'm so happy she is starting to want to participate in things.  She has always been happier to be at home then venture out, so this is a fun change.

J.T. was the villain in the Aristocats.  He did a pretty good job, it is so not his personality so I think it was fun for him to perfect his evil laugh.

 Sara was of course Snoopy, I know the name below her didn't give it away or anything.  And she was fantastic.  She really has a talent for drama I think.  I hope she has opportunities in the future to cultivate this talent, because it was so much fun to watch her.

Watch out Hollywood :)

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Names From the Past

We are given a name when we are born,
not one that we choose but one that is passed on to us,
From people in our past who we hardly know
but who have made it possible for us to be where we are today.

Their sacrifice may never be known,
we know little of their history, some have no face, only a name.

But let us try not to forget those that have touched our lives,
who have dwelt in our hearts, and let us forever share their memory and
the legacy they have left for us.

I truly am fascinated by the people who have come before me.  I have learned their names, and every once in a while come across information that gives me a glimpse of who they were.  They are as varied as the flowers in a field yet they come together to create beauty unmatched.  I love when something new comes to my attention because it makes them little more real to me and frankly I look forward to meeting them one day.  I can't wait to ask them questions and tell them thank you.  I know that not all my ancestors were fairytale type people with faith and fortitude and never a low moment.  In fact that is what makes me love them all the more, I know that there were moms with tempers and parents who felt a sadness that I can not even begin to comprehend.  I know there were those who didn't make the best choices for their families and left when things were difficult.  But all these situations allowed the people around them to make choices.  These choices made by spouses or children have led to where I am here and now.  It is true I have some colorful ancestors, but that is what gives the field of flowers it's character and that is what makes you want to investigate a little more and find out the details.  I want to introduce you to some of those individuals and give you a taste of why I love them.  Through these family history posts you will meet Robert and Elizabeth who were not given a choice in their marriage, Margery Mae who was a 52 year old widow when she walked across the plains with her five children, Mary Marinda who was a tiny little woman with so much spunk and strength it boggles my mind as well as a lot of other people I love dearly.  It's their legacy I look forward to sharing.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Water balloons and slingshots

Every year on the 4th of July we look forward to the parade, a barbecue, fireworks and all that good American pie kind of stuff.  But in our family the 4th of July means something else as well, water balloon catapult.  I don't know exactly how many years ago this began but every year it all starts with a couple of our "tough" nephews, and occasionally a brave father.  They climb on the fence post and balance vicariously while the others happily stand in line and wait their turn to use the giant slingshot to fling water balloons at the volunteers.  This year was particularly enjoyable.  The girls were in good form and had great aim.  We watch and cheer when a balloon gets close and go wild when someone actually gets hit. The fun extended this year when it turned to a full fledged water fight,  I love watching my family when we all get together. 

Yes, that is my older brother schooling my nephew, love it!!!

This is what I would call an unexpected tradition, the kind that is never planned but always happens,  and never fails to leave you with a smile.

Friday, July 22, 2011


Thirty some years ago a little family was preparing for the addition of their seventh child.  I imagine there was a little excitement (at least I hope so), and there was obviously talk of what they would name this cute new baby.  I don't really know exactly how this event took place however I have interpreted the many stories that I have heard.  There was a meeting of sorts and democracy was to rule, each child would get to have a say in what their sibling would be called.  On the ballot for voting was the following: 

The first was chosen because the baby was to be born in December, and really how festive to carry a name to remind everyone when gifts are needed to celebrate a birthday.  The second was a play on her grandfathers name, Fay.  The third was on the list because an older sister had just recently read the book Heidi and believed it to be the prettiest name.  The last I'm told was picked by the father, he loved uniqueness in naming his kids and wanted to give them something that would represent them as being an individual.  The voting took place ......drum role please.... and the winner is, Heidi. 

Yep, that is how I was named.  I don't know if the sister somehow managed a very persuasive coup over my dad or if everyone envisioned a future of people repeating my name over and over to be funny.  I always wondered if it would have altered my life somehow if I had been given a different name.  I wonder if by being called Echo it would have driven me to be more outgoing, or more popular, if I would have been made fun of more or left out of the group.  I wonder if my dad sighed and resigned himself to the fact that his last opportunity to bestow a unique name was gone. In fact when I turned 18 he told me I could change my name if I wanted to or at least add a middle name.  I obviously chose not to.  I don't know if my life would have changed if I had a different title or if it would have altered how I viewed myself.  But this I know, I am who I am.  And through the years I have added to my title, daughter, sister, friend, missionary, wife and mother.  Each has added to the dimension of who I am.  I have my own story and no matter the title it is very much my own.  My experiences have created my story to this point and the future holds even more. 

An echo is repetitive, it reminds us of what has come before, and if we listen it can hint of the future.  I like to believe that my dad gave me a gift of perspective simply by suggesting the name Echo.  But I am completely satisfied with introducing myself as, Heidi.